Cyphernomicon Top
Cyphernomicon 9.2

Policy: Clipper,Key Escrow, and Digital Telephony:
SUMMARY: Policy: Clipper,Key Escrow, and Digital Telephony

    9.2.1. Main Points
           - Clipper has been a main unifying force, as 80% of all
              Americans, and 95% of all computer types, are opposed.
           - "Big Brother Inside"
    9.2.2. Connections to Other Sections
           - the main connections are _legal_
           - some possible implications for limits on crypto
    9.2.3. Where to Find Additional Information
           - There have been hundreds of articles on Clipper, in nearly
              all popular magazines. Many of these were sent to the
              Cypherpunks  list and may be available in the archives. (I
              have at least 80 MB of Cypherpunks list stuff, a lot of it
              newspaper and magazine articles on Clipper!)
           + more Clipper information can be found at:
             - "A good source is the Wired Online Clipper Archive. Send
                e-mail to with no subject and the
                words 'get help' and 'get clipper/index' in the body of
                the message." [students@unsw.EDU.AU, alt.privacy.clipper,
    9.2.4. Miscellaneous Comments
           - As with a couple of other sections, I won't try to be as
              complete as some might desire. Just too many thousands of
              pages of stuff to consider.

Next Page: 9.3 Introduction
Previous Page: 9.1 copyright

By Tim May, see README

HTML by Jonathan Rochkind